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From inZOI Wiki
(Redirected from City)
Getting started: System requirementsGraphics settingsCharacter creationCitiesControlsUser InterfaceBuild ModeBeginner's GuideCanvas
See also: inZOI, Map and Edit City
City Inspiration
Dowon A city based on urban South Korea
Bliss Bay A city based on the beachside, United States
Kucingku Inspired by Indonesian vacation resorts
  • Note that Zois cannot move between cities.

One user asked if players could build an entire new city from empty land. The devs said no, because the current city maps are enormous, and letting someone start from scratch would be too resource-intensive. Instead, players can do a lot of editing within existing cities. The tech director mentioned that with future computational advances, they might revisit the idea, but it is not feasible now.


Bliss Bay
