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Calm and Tranquil
Keywords Easygoing, Affable, Indecisive, Composed, Passive, Principled
Values Coexistence, Safety, Rule-Abiding, Traditionalist
The dreamer prefers maintaining peace and avoiding conflicts, hoping their current comfortable state will persist. They detest disruptions to harmony and order, and carefully pursue perfection to safeguard their peaceful realm. However, their passive attitude often hampers practical action. They are naturally kind and inclined to assist others, which makes them excellent counselors. Despite this, their clear sense of purpose and lofty ideals can sometimes lead them to feel superior to others.
Prioritizes inner peace and displays a philosophical nature, Frequently feels lethargic, Tranquil feeling lasts for a longer time, Sleep gauge decreases quickly
Related Trait Mediator

Dreamer is a Calm and Tranquil trait for your Zoi in inZOI.


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