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Family Size and Interactions

Up to 8 Zois can live as a single family/household. If the family is already at eight, new pregnancies automatically fail. The developers noted that "someone in your family would have to die" before another Zoi could be added to that household.

Family or group interactions in Early Access are somewhat basic. For example, a child can ask a parent to cook food or do laundry, emphasizing that little kids would not naturally handle those tasks themselves. While they hope to expand cooperative or group/family gameplay, only limited forms of it are initially present.

Marriage and Divorce

Marriage and Divorce

Pregnancy and Newborns

  • Pregnancy interactions: Zois can announce pregnancies, hold parties, experience cravings, etc.
  • Newborn gameplay: Limited at launch, but more baby-related interactions are planned for future updates.
  • Technical challenges: Infants have a unique body structure requiring special animations.

Giving Birth and Parenting

After your Zoi becomes pregnant. After 3 days, the result of their love, a baby, will be born. Babies cannot do much on their own, so be sure to surround them with love and care from the family to help them grow up healthy.

Add A New Family

To create a new family, on the Edit City screen, click on any empty house or property and the Select Family button will appear.

You can move in a household from the family presets, or click Create New Family to make your own. Add a new family and continue building your dream life in the city.


When a baby is born, they often take after their parents in both looks and traits. Hair color, facial features, Skills, etc... Which traits of each parent will be passed down to the baby?

Family Activities