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From inZOI Wiki
See also: inZOI, Relationships and Marriage

In inZOI, players can engage in romantic relationships with other Zois, potentially leading to marriage and family life. Romance in inZOI involves building a relationship with a Zoi by selecting specific conversation options and monitoring the relationship meter.

Types of Relationships

Players can develop three distinct relationship types with Zois:

To initiate a romantic relationship, players must first select the romance route when interacting with their chosen Zoi. Romantic relationships have nuances and allow for different dynamics, such as choosing to become true loves or maintaining a casual relationship.

Starting a Romance

  1. Initial Interaction: Begin by talking to a Zoi to learn their Traits, values, marital status, and employment status.
  2. Romantic Options: Click on the Zoi, select More, then choose the Romance category. Options include pickup lines, romantic topics, or physical affection.
    • Start with simple actions (e.g. pickup lines) before progressing to more intimate interactions.
  3. Relationship Progression: Repeatedly choose romantic options to increase the romance bar in the relationship meter.
    • If successful, the Zoi and the player’s Zoi become Mutual Crushes.
    • Further interactions, such as asking them out on dates, deepen the bond.

Defining the Relationship

After building the romance bar, players can:

  • Ask the Zoi to be their true love for a committed relationship.
  • Indicate a preference for a casual, non-serious relationship.


Marriage becomes an option once a Zoi is a true love.

  • Proposal: Use romantic conversation options to propose.
  • Wedding Options:
    • Marry immediately on the spot.
    • Plan a wedding for a later date, inviting friends and guests.
  • Living Arrangements: Post-marriage, players can:
    • Move into the spouse's house.
    • Have the spouse move into the player’s house.
    • Search for a new house together.

Key Considerations

  • Traits Compatibility: Incompatible Traits between the player's Zoi and the NPC Zoi can slow relationship progress or hinder bonding.
  • Marital Status and Attraction: Check the Zoi's marital status and confirm they are attracted to the player's gender or sexual identity. If not, a relationship is not possible.
    • inZOI supports same-sex marriage and romance.
  • Dynamic Interactions: Relationships evolve based on interactions, but Zoi responses may vary (like some reject advances initially or show unique reactions based on Traits).


  • The relationship log tracks interactions and progress with each Zoi, providing insight into how they respond to specific actions.
  • While romance is a core feature, the game’s early access state suggests room for further refinements, such as more dynamic NPC reactions (e.g., jealousy during wedding scenarios).
