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Ambitions are the goals or dreams a Zoi hopes to achieve in life.


They begin to take shape during the young adult stage, as the desire to plan for the future and accomplish meaningful things grows stronger. Ambitions can be changed at any time, and the chosen ambition will influence a Zoi's expectations.

You can check or change a Zoi's ambition from their Zoi Card or in the Ambition Notebook on their smartphone. To complete a final ambition, you'll need to carry out a series of specific missions. Once fulfilled, the ambition grants a special reward that sets the Zoi apart from others.

List of Ambitions

Ambition Icon Type Description Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Related Ambition
Cheerful Neighbor Contribute to Community icon1.png Contribute to Community Contribute to the community and strengthen social solidarity Conduct positive conversation unrelated to Zoi 5 time(s), Have a positive friendship conversation 5 time(s) Give thank you cards or surprise gifts 10 times (Karma Action), Have a positive friendship conversation 15 time(s) Have 10 BFF relationship(s), Dance excitedly 20 time(s) with a BFF Philanthropist
Competent Talent Career Success icon1.png Career Success Reach for a higher position in one's career Shake hands with an Acquaintance or higher 10 time(s), Simulate investment practice on a computer 5 times Get Promoted, Have a full-time job Get promoted twice, Raise a glass with a Business Partner 10 time(s) Next Gen Leader
Crime-Bent Villain Social Unrest icon1.png Social Unrest The goal is to commit crimes by defying laws and order Secretly throw away trash on the floor 3 times, Take out anger on vending machine 5 times Initiate a fight 5 time(s), Push and knock down 3 times Arrested by the police and detained in jail 5 times, Pitch a good idea and receive an investment 5 time(s) Famous Hackers
Famous Hackers Social Unrest icon1.png Social Unrest The goal is to commit crimes by defying laws and order Achieve Programming level 3, Survive a secondhand trade scam 5 time(s) Achieve Programming level 6, Hack an ATM 10 times Achieve Programming level 10, Hack a bank 3 times Crime-Bent Villain
Fitness Master Stay Healthy icon1.png Stay Healthy Live a healthy life without illness Buy fitness equipment 1 time(s), Work out 3 time(s) Achieve Fitness level 6, Read health book 10 time(s) Achieve Fitness level 10, Work out 20 time(s) while Concentrated or Focused Neat Freak, Master Chef
Great Painter Creative Expression icon1.png Creative Expression Express one's creativity through artistic and musical activities Buy an easel 1 time(s), Paint a picture 3 time(s) Read an art book 10 time(s), Paint a picture 10 time(s) Achieve Art level 10, Appreciate art 10 time(s) while Curious Voice of Heaven, Pro Musician
Knowledge Seeker Knowledge and Learning icon1.png Knowledge and Learning Obtain knowledge and discover new technologies to broaden one's horizons Buy a bookshelf 1 time(s), Read a book 3 time(s) Read a book 10 time(s), Read newspaper with tablet or at newspaper stand 5 time(s) Achieve Critical Thinking level 10, Write in a computer 20 times Walking Encyclopedia
Loving Family Family Happiness icon1.png Family Happiness Achieve a happy and stable life for all family members Form a family, Have a positive family relationship with Partner 3 time(s) Have a positive family relationship conversation with Partner 20 time(s), Have a sentimental family relationship conversation with Family 10 time(s) while Touched or Sentimental Have a positive family relationship conversation with Partner 50 time(s), Have a positive family relationship conversation with Child 30 time(s) Parenting Expert
Luxury Mansion Financial Success icon1.png Financial Success Secure sufficient monetary resources to live without financial worries Hold 50000 Meow, Reside at a property priced over 35000 Meow Buy 1 piece of furniture worth over 1500 Meow, Plant 10 medium-sized or larger tree(s) Buy furniture worth over 800 Meow 5 time(s), Reside at a property priced over 50000 Meow Wealth
Master Chef Stay Healthy icon1.png Stay Healthy Live a healthy life without illness Cook from refrigerator 5 time(s) Achieve Cooking level 6, Cook from refrigerator 20 time(s) Achieve Cooking level 10, Cook from refrigerator 30 time(s) Fitness Master, Neat Freak
Nation's Sweetheart Pursuit of Love icon1.png Pursuit of Love Faster a romantic relationship with someone Have a positive romantic conversation 5 time(s) Have a positive romantic conversation 50 time(s) Achieve Charm level 10, Have 5 True Love relationships Partners in Love
Neat Freak Stay Healthy icon1.png Stay Healthy Live a healthy life without illness Buy a cleaning tool 1 time(s), Clean 3 time(s) Buy a washing machine 1 time(s), Clean 10 time(s) Achieve Housework level 10, Do laundry 20 time(s) Fitness Master, Master Chef
Next Gen Leader Career Success icon1.png Career Success Reach for a higher position in one's career Read self-help book 10 time(s) Activate Rhetoric level 6, Read self-help book 10 time(s) Achieve Rhetoric level 10, Have positive business conversation 100 time(s) Competent Talent
Parenting Expert Family Happiness icon1.png Family Happiness Achieve a happy and stable life for all family members Dance for the child 5 time(s), Play with child 5 time(s) Do child care 20 times, Tell a story 10 times Do child rearing 50 times, Sing fun songs 10 times Loving Family
Partners in Love Pursuit of Love icon1.png Pursuit of Love Faster a romantic relationship with someone Have 1 Mutual Crush relationship(s), Hold hands and talk 3 time(s) with a Mutual Crush or higher Hold hands and talk 10 time(s) with a Mutual Crush or higher, Serenade a Sweetheart or higher 10 time(s) Propose while Aflutter or Dazzled, Show affection to True Love 20 time(s) Nation's Sweetheart
Philanthropist Contribute to Community icon1.png Contribute to Community Contribute to the community and strengthen social solidarity Give to charity using an ATM 5 times, Send a letter from a streetside mailbox 5 time(s) Donate a book to the mailbox 15 time(s), Donate to the local community from a streetside mailbox 10 time(s) Sign organ donation agreement on computer (Karma Action), Donate to a homeless person 10 times Cheerful Neighbor
Plant Lover Harmony and Peace icon1.png Harmony and Peace Find inner peace and pursue tranquility in harmony with nature Buy a houseplant 5 time(s), Water the flowerpot or interact with it 3 times Achieve Gardening level 6, Water the plants or interact with them 10 times Achieve Gardening level 10, Use a bonsai flowerpot to arrange bonsai 5 time(s) Tranquil Mind
Pro Musician Creative Expression icon1.png Creative Expression Express one's creativity through artistic and musical activities Buy an instrument 1 time(s), Play an instrument 3 time(s) Play a drum 10 time(s), Play an instrument 10 time(s) while Sentimental Achieve Instrument level 10, Play a guitar 20 time(s) Great Painter, Voice of Heaven
Tranquil Mind Harmony and Peace icon1.png Harmony and Peace Find inner peace and pursue tranquility in harmony with nature Buy a yoga mat, Do yoga 3 time(s) Do yoga 10 time(s), Take a hot shower 5 time(s) while Uncomfortable Meditate 50 time(s) on a yoga mat, Rest or take a nap in sunbed 30 times Plant Lover
Voice of Heaven Creative Expression icon1.png Creative Expression Express one's creativity through artistic and musical activities Buy a standing microphone 1 time(s), Sing a song 3 time(s) Achieve Performance level 6, Sing a song 10 time(s) while Amused Achieve Performance level 10, Sing at a coin booth karaoke 10 time(s) Great Painter, Pro Musician
Walking Encyclopedia Knowledge and Learning icon1.png Knowledge and Learning Obtain knowledge and discover new technologies to broaden one's horizons Achieve level 5 in 3 skill(s), Fix a broken object 3 time(s) Achieve level 8 in 5 skill(s), Furniture made in work desk 15 time(s) Achieve level 10 in 5 skill(s), Create video on computer 20 times Knowledge Seeker
Wealth Financial Success icon1.png Financial Success Secure sufficient monetary resources to live without financial worries Buy 5 pieces of Furniture worth over 800 Meow, Hold 50000 Meow Deposit money 10 time(s) at the bank, Reside at a property priced over 35000 Meow Hold 200000 Meow, Reside at a property priced over 50000 Meow Luxury Mansion