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Desired Life

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See also: inZOI

Desired Life serves as both the direction and destination of a Zoi's life. Shaped by aspiration, they inform which traits, ambitions, values and preferences a Zoi should pursue. In turn, these elements play a crucial role in defining a Zoi's goals and lifestyle, guiding them throughout their lives.

Desired Life Icon Description Traits Values Ambitions Skills Preferences
A life of self-creation A life of self-creation icon1.png Embrace your creative potential and chart your own path. Enjoy the thrill of unexpected discoveries and forge your unique story.
Life of Abundance Life of Abundance icon1.png Seeks to pursue a life of economic stability and comfort. Aims to enjoy various experiences and opportunities that come from material abundance and financial stability. Aspires to share the fruits of their wealth with family and friends. Socialite, Go-Getter Accomplishment, Authority Luxury Mansion Charm, Programming, Housework, Critical Thinking, Rhetoric Ball Sports, Coffee, Carnivorous Diet, Plants, Self-Help Book
Life of Advancement Life of Advancement icon1.png Seeks continuous growth and self-improvement by focusing on personal development and learning new skills. Strives to become a better version of themselves, finding fulfillment in productive pursuits. Aspires to enrich their life by embracing lifelong learning. Perfectionist, Explorer Challenger, Accomplishment Competent Talent Fitness, Programming, Critical Thinking, Rhetoric, Media Production Jogging, Coffee, Carnivorous Diet, Cleaning, Self-Help Book
Life of Adventure Life of Perseverance icon1.png Seeks to take on new tasks and goals fearlessly, overcoming their limits in the process. Aims to grow by continuously testing themselves, never giving up even in difficult situations. Aspires to tap into their potential using the experience gained from these challenges, exploring the diverse possibilities life has to offer. Entertainer, Adventurer Challenger, Pleasure Neighborhood Walk Cooking, Fitness, Critical Thinking, Coffee Art, Media Production Boxing, Street Food, Animals, Taking Photos
Life of Contribution Life of Contribution icon1.png Seeks to make a positive impact on others and contribute to society. Aims to make life more meaningful through service and sharing, helping those around and the wider community. Aspires to share happiness with more people and transform the world into a better place through a life of contribution. Volunteer, Collaborator Coexistence, Love Cheerful Neighbor Cooking, Fitness, Performance, Housework, Parenting Ball Sports, Street Food, Cleaning, Laundry, Washing Cars
Life of Creativity Life of Creativity icon1.png Seeks to break the mold through innovation and creativity. Aims to bring positive change through unique ideas by being creative with art, science, and technology. Aspires to feel the joy of self-expression by living a creative life, doing their utmost to make positive contributions to the world at large. Dreamer, Visionary Autonomy, Coexistence Great Painter Charm, Art, Performance, Media Production, Instruments Appreciating Art, Painting, Gaming, Art, Guitar
Life of Excitement Life of Excitement icon1.png Seeks the thrills brought by risky situations or unpredictable moments. Aims to savor the excitement and tension that come with new challenges or danger. Aspires to feel alive by chasing adventure and adrenaline rushes. Entertainer, Adventurer Challenger, Pleasure Chief Explorer Charm, Fitness, Coffee Art, Media Production, Instruments Boxing, Ball Sports, Spicy Food, Taking Photos, Drums
Life of Familial Devotion Life of Familial Devotion icon1.png Seeks to start a larger and loving family. Aims to devote themselves towards a happy family life. Aspires to make their household bigger, their sense of accomplishment growing with each new member of the house. Volunteer, Collaborator Coexistence, Love Loving Family Cooking, Housework, Parenting, Rhetoric, Media Production Ball Sports, Animals, Taking Photos, Cleaning, Washing Cars
Life of Freedom Life of Freedom icon1.png Seeks to live without external constraints or restrictions. Values personal freedom and autonomy, aiming to carve their own path without being bound by social norms or others' expectations. Aspires to find true happiness and satisfaction through a life of freedom. Authoritarian, Individualist Autonomy, Pleasure Chief Explorer Charm, Art, Performance, Rhetoric, And Instruments Yoga, Cake, Painting, Gaming, Guitar
Life of Harmony Life of Harmony icon1.png Seeks to coexist with nature in harmony, finding peace and balance within it. Aims to be a friend to flora and fauna alike, appreciating nature's gifts and seeking tranquility of both body and mind. Aspires to maintain a serene atmosphere for themselves and those around them by engafing in a sustaainable lifestyle, protecting the environment, and communing with nature's sights and sounds. Social Activist, Volunteer Coexistence, Love Plant Lover Cooking, Art, Gardening, Parenting, Media Production Jogging, Coffee, Animals, Plants, Taking Photos
Life of Respectability Life of Respectability icon1.png Seeks to uphold and realize their beliefs. Aims to abide by self-determined principles, devoting their will and skills to proving their merit. Aspires to make achievements that will bring them pride and renown for years to come. Leader, Go-Getter Autonomy, Authority Next Gen Leader Fitness, Critical Thinking, Coffee Art, Rhetoric, Media Production Jogging, Coffee, Carnivorous Diet, Laundry, Self-Help Book
Life of Romance Life of Romance icon1.png Seeks to engage in many relationships with various Zois and aims to stay true to their desires. Aspires to devote themselves to their current partner despite their seemingly frivolous approach to relationships with other Zois. Entertainer, Charmer Challenger, Love Nation's Sweetheart Charm, Cooking, Performance, Rhetoric, Instruments Singing, Yoga, Vegetarian Diet, Animals, Guitar
Life of Simplicity Life of Simplicity icon1.png Seeks to pursue a minimalistic life by reducing unnecessary consumption and keeping waste to a minimum. Aims to fulfill only their basic needs, opting for efficiency and frugality over material wealth or opulence. Aspires to find satisfaction in the small things while maintaining peace of mind. Social Activist, Perfectionist Coexistence, Rule-Abiding Tranquil Mind Cooking, Fitness, Gardening, Critical Thinking, Coffee Art Jogging, Appreciating Art, Gaming, Health, Repair
Life of Stability Life of Stability icon1.png Seeks to follow fixed norms and social conventions, preferring not to rock the boat. Aims to choose the path most taken, opting for stability over personal creativity or individuality. Aspires to keep things at a quotidian pace, placing great emphasis on predictability and consistency. Mediator, Sentinel Safety, Rule-Abiding Wealth Cooking, Gardening, Housework, Critical Thinking, Rhetoric Coffee, Carnivorous Diet, Gaming, Cleaning, Laundry
Life of Tranquility Life of Tranquility icon1.png Seeks to achieve peace of mind by breaking free of all stress and conflict. Aims to maintain inner peace and mental well-being by leading a stable and harmonious life. Aspires to share peace and happiness with those around them. Dreamer, Mediator Safety, Traditionalist Tranquil Mind Cooking, Fitness, Gardening, Housework, Rhetoric Yoga, Vegetarian Diet, Plants, Health, Piano
Life of Wisdom Life of Wisdom icon1.png Seeks to accumulate wisdom through experience and learning, making wise choices based on this foundation. Aims to solve life's challenges with deep thought and insight, sharing wisdom with others. Aspires to guide life in the right direction and create a better future through wisdom. Explorer, Scholar Challenger, Rule-Abiding Knowledge Seeker Cooking, Gardening, Programming, Housework, Critical Thinking Vegetarian Diet, Appreciating Art, Art, Repair, Self-Help Book